Monday, August 06, 2018

The Science is Settled: Settle In

(Image from Slideshare)
Sleep is important to health, job performance, brain function, and social relationships.

Lack of sleep can hurt relationships in three ways: [bold added]
Your emotions are thrown out of whack...When we’re deprived of sleep, we’re more likely to overreact to situations that normally wouldn’t rattle us...."Small problems seem bigger. Our reactions are amplified. Some studies show that people are more likely to feel sad, depressed, or anxious if they don’t sleep well or if they are sleep-deprived.”

A lack of sleep can make you sick and tired...After all, if you’re home sick, your interest in spending time with anyone or anything besides your bed can plummet.

Different sleep schedules can cause relationship problems. If you’re in a relationship and work odd-hour shifts, making plans to see the people who matter to you can be a challenge.
So guys, the next time your significant other chastises you for snoozing on the couch, tell her you're doing it for the sake of improving your relationship. You can't argue with science.

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