Saturday, March 30, 2019

Explains my Attraction to Smart Women

More evidence of women's biological advantages: [bold added]
Glucose metabolism is impaired
in Alzheimer's (researchgate)
Women tend to live longer than men. This is one of the most robust findings in biological science, and the evidence isn’t hard to find. In the U.S., women outlive men by almost five years, on average, while the gap is as wide as 10 years in Latvia and Vietnam. Now there is fresh evidence that women not only have a longevity advantage; their brains seem to be more youthful throughout adulthood, too.
We ought to be spending more research dollars on why men die earlier and why men are more susceptible to neural degeneration. Sure, this "unfairness" in allocating university research dollars is potentially a violation of Title IX, but the important scientific question is: do zombies prefer women's brains?

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