Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Willie Brown is a Lucky Guy

At the Houston debates last September (Chron/AP)
86-year-old Willie Brown still has his fastball:
I got a call from a guy who interviewed me when I was in Dallas for my sister’s funeral in January 2019.

“I asked you what you thought the ideal Democratic ticket would be, and you said, ‘Biden for president. Kamala Harris for VP.’ I even have it on tape,” he said.

“Play if for me,” I said.

He did.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“I think that was my lucky day. I just wish you had asked me to pick that day’s lottery number.”

Here’s hoping your day is lucky as well.
Willie Brown rose to the top of Sacramento politics as California's Speaker, then glided through two terms (1996-2004) as mayor of San Francisco before its recent troubles. He's found his calling as the still-stylish political raconteur with friends on both sides of the aisle. He was lucky that day when he made the call, but he has a lot of lucky days.

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