Thursday, March 25, 2021

Making a Hash of It

The slicing, chopping and dicing takes time.
Slow-roasting the corned beef on St. Patrick's Day didn't turn out well. The meat was too dry and salty; normal boiling would have lessened the brininess. The beef was edible, but no one was enthusiastic about having leftovers.

And so it was that I made pans-full of corned beef hash over the next two weeks.

The time-consuming part was the prep work, boiling and peeling the potatoes--one of us has an allergy to potato skins, chopping the onions, and dicing the corned beef. Prepping the night before makes it easy to fry everything in the morning for breakfast. I add eggs and boiled carrots from the dinner, then hot sauce to taste on individual servings.

It's best to do it right the first time, but successfully recovering from a mistake has its own pleasures.

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