Wednesday, September 26, 2018

You Never Know When the Next One Will Be

Waiting for the Pt. Defiance ferry.
We were fourth in line for the 9:15 ferry, which had a capacity of 64 cars.

The trip was 15 minutes. There were only a few roads on Vashon Island, and it was easy to find our way. We arrived at the outdoor venue an hour early.

Thankfully, the wind and rain subsided, and the ceremony went smoothly.

A toast with an aunt and uncle
The most drawn-out section was the speech by the bride's aunt, who presided over the wedding. No, it wasn't boring, as she related family stories known only to a few.

A cellist provided the music; the baritone vibrato carried surprisingly well over the sylvan setting.

We walked to the reception tents. The buffet selection was Mediterranean, with grilled sausages and chicken to meet the needs of carnivores.

We spoke to individuals we hadn't seen for months (it would have been years were it not for the passing of two relatives in the Bay Area and a birthday celebration in Honolulu).

These life events come in bunches, and you never know when the next one will be.

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