Thursday, July 09, 2020

Location, Location, Location

In a study of 2,000 college students conducted before the lockdown, researchers found through GPS tracking that their subjects hung out at places that matched their personalities (extroverts at bars, introverts on home laptops, etc.), which wasn't a surprise. They also self-reported their feelings:
At each alert, they (and their phones) recorded their location, noting if they were at one of 12 commonly visited places, including a cafe, a friend’s place, the gym, their apartment, a class, a store, a religious environment, work or a party.

The students also answered five questions pertaining to their current state of mind, choosing among adjectives such as quiet, considerate, anxious, upset and lazy.
If they were in the "wrong" place for their personality type the subjects felt discordant emotions.
“People feel more extroverted, more agreeable, more conscientious, when they are in other places, compared to when they are at home,” [Stanford psychologist Gabriella Harari] said, while “people feel more disorganized and chaotic when they are at home.”
(Image from Aluance Digital)
The study confirms why an introvert like myself didn't find the past four months to be particularly troubling, while others in my household didn't fare very well.

Tele-office, tele-medicine, and tele-education aren't healthy for the majority of people, and we should open up everything as expeditiously as possible.

Yes, even for us introverts--get these people outta here because they're driving us crazy.

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