Saturday, June 08, 2019

Agriculture: Everything Old is New Again

(Chronicle photo)
Two words - Heirloom chicken:
Based on an 800-acre Arkansas farm, Cooks Venture will begin selling its heirloom-breed, pasture-raised chickens in California on Wednesday at Golden Gate Meats in the Ferry Building. The cost is $3.98 per pound,
The feature that makes this chicken special is that it is raised according to the practices of "regenerative agriculture":
The basic idea behind regenerative agriculture is this: the more organic matter in soil, the more carbon it can sequester. Another added benefit is increased water retention, so that less irrigation is needed.
From 2015: an acquaintance raises
chickens in Hawaii.  She's ahead of
her time.
The premise: just go back to the way things were before industrial agriculture and chemical fertilizers were introduced, and we can save the planet from anthropogenic global warming.

Who knows, if latter-day puritans are successful in getting their blue green laws enforced by State power, maybe Thomas Malthus' 200-year-old warnings about over-population and widespread starvation will come true. Time to dust off your copy of "An Essay on the Principle of Population."

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