Monday, June 17, 2019

The Tune Hardly Changes

Instructions for 2019
Instructions for 2017

The doctor frowned when he looked at the blood test.

"Your A1C is 6.4. It was 6.3 last year. If it goes to 7, you'll have to take diabetes medication."

It was all related to the fact that I had gained 4 pounds instead of losing the 5 that had been my goal for this year. And no, the gain wasn't in muscle mass.

Dad in January
I mentioned that my father experienced a very painful shingles attack this year--to the point where hospitalization was required. Partial immunity to the disease--my own attack was in 2012--lessens over time. That factor, plus the improvement in the effectiveness of the Shingrix vaccine, put Shingrix on the list of doctor's instructions for the coming year.

The other instructions for 2019--2020 were nearly the same as 2017. Estimating that I'll be a 50% achiever, the doc upped the weight loss goal to 10-20 pounds.

My father's still looking out for me after nearly 94 years on this planet. Thanks, Dad!

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