Thursday, June 20, 2019

An Old Guy Speaks His Mind Again

Willie Brown with Beach Blanket Babylon Producer
Jo Schuman Silver and scholarship judge Tracy
Chapman. June 3, 2019. (Chron photo)
California Democratic elder Willie Brown, 85, is no fan of President Trump. But he's also not afraid to speak up when he thinks the President is doing something right or when the Democrats are making a mistake.

In a recent interview President Trump was criticized for saying that he would "listen" to Russia, China, or other foreign sources if they said they had damaging information on an opponent.

Willie Brown said he would do the same.
No politician will admit it publicly, but I’d bet they would all say “yes” to a chance to look at any dirt dug up on their opponent from any source, foreign or domestic. I know I would have been tempted. At the very least, they’re going to have someone from outside the campaign, a hired gun, look at it so there are no fingerprints leading back to them.

Then, once they see what they have, they’re going to decide whether to call in the FBI — after leaking the dirt to the media, of course, assuming it’s true.

The curiosity of what the “dirt” may be is just too great a temptation.

Let’s be honest: If someone came to you with a hot inside stock tip, you might not act on it. But you would listen.

You would not say, ‘Hold on, I’ve got to call the Securities and Exchange Commission.”

And that is what Trump was saying.

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