Friday, June 28, 2019

Homelessness: Leave it to the Next Guy

The streets look about the same--unkempt, cracked pavement, and tents every few blocks or so. Law enforcement has chased the homeless from the main thoroughfares and tourist areas, but the visible signs appear the same in the old neighborhood.

The two States, California and Hawaii, where I spend all my time, seem helpless to stem the tide.

From March: tents outside the neighborhood library
The solution is always more money, and yet the numbers keep growing. Other States, including those with warm weather, don't seem to have as great a problem. The answers are out there, but they involve single-minded dedication and reliable funding over a long-period of time, The problem-solvers won't get much credit for their work.

And so we ask for more money to paper over the problem. Leave it to the next guy.

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