Saturday, June 29, 2019

Doreen at 90

Mom's 90th birthday party had 60 attendees. Half the people were from her generation, and the rest ranged in age from 2 to 66. As her oldest child I got to handle the microphone, while everyone else did all the work. In truth there was not much emcee-ing to do, since people were eager to catch up with those they hadn't seen for many years.

The kitchen at the Jade Dynasty served nine dishes in one hour as promised, and the total program lasted two hours, just right for the seniors who were looking peaked by the end.

I drove Mom back to the apartment and asked if she wanted to start opening her 20 cards ("no cards or gifts" is a request that is often ignored). Tomorrow. She was asleep in 10 minutes. As many at the party said, "We love you, Doreen," and so do I.

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