Holy Trinity by Rublev (1425-1427):
angels who represent the three aspects of God |
Trinity Sunday marks the beginning of the last, longest season on the Christian Calendar.
Pentecost infused disciples with the Holy Spirit, and over the next 26 weeks Christians are to go out into the world, preaching, converting, and doing good works. (December 1, 2013 is Advent Sunday, when the Christian new year begins.)
"Trinity Sunday" is named after one of the most mysterious concepts in theology, the doctrine of the
Trinity. God is three distinct persons in one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal and eternal. All aspects were present at the Beginning, and not one, such as the Son from the Father, was created from another.
Sunday School teachers stretch for three-in-one metaphors: water (steam, liquid, ice), a diamond with three facets, man (worker, husband, father). They are not entirely satisfactory, and they shouldn't be, because to believers God is more vast than finite minds can grasp.
Like other matters difficult to understand, we can
sing about the Trinity through a hymn that is taught to children:
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty,
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
Religion may be simple, but theology is hard.