Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Too High a Price

Wearing a personal meter all day is a bit more invasive than a 1970's set-top box
When broadcast television was the dominant medium, I thought that it would be a personal coup to be an A.C. Neilsen member. Not only would the company pay a stipend to allow it to track my T.V. viewing, I would be an influencer long before that became a word. I could put Star Trek back on the air by watching reruns 24/7!

When consumers began viewing programs whenever they wanted over a multitude of devices, Nielsen found it difficult to gather reliable, comprehensive ratings data. Their solution to replace the old set-top box:
"All you have to do is wear your meter as you go about your day."
It may be inevitable that privacy is dead, but we don't have to speed its demise. Sorry, Nielsen, I'm not going to be a member.

Later in life I've found that I don't want many of the things that I wanted in my youth.

Besides, I have to catch up on the more than half-dozen Star Trek series that have been produced in the past 30 years.

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