For the first time I broke the rule against freeloading an establishment's WiFi. Well, next time I'll get a breakfast sandwich to go with the coffee.
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(Image from albuquerque.citymomsblog.com) |
Comparing the scans showed significant reductions in the volume of grey matter in the brains of the new mothers....And it was persistent, too. When the researchers retested the mothers two years later, most of the alterations were still present.However, it's possible that the loss of brain cells not only didn't cause harm ("administering a few simple cognitive tests to the new mothers—including tests of memory—revealed no obvious changes in performance") but could be beneficial [bold added]
The ones with the greatest reductions in grey-matter volume were, on the whole, the most strongly bonded....it is probably evidence of a process called synaptic pruning, in which little-used connections between neurons are allowed to wither away, while the most-used become stronger. That is thought to make neural circuitry more efficient, not less so.Anecdotal evidence, to be sure, but most mothers we've encountered are better at multitasking and organization than their male partners.
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Google tracks who's reading. |
The Second Law is acknowledged in everyday life in sayings such as “Things fall apart,” “You can’t unscramble an egg,” and “What can go wrong will go wrong.”....I believe that it defines the ultimate purpose of life, mind and striving: to deploy energy and information to fight back the tide of entropy and carve out refuges of beneficial order.Professor Pinker's short essay is worth reading because of its perspective toward life's vicissitudes. He ends as follows:
An underappreciation of the Second Law lures people into seeing every unsolved social problem as a sign that the world is being driven off a cliff. But it is in the very nature of the universe that life has problems. It’s better to figure out how to solve them, by applying information and energy to expand our niche of life-enhancing order, than to start a conflagration and hope for the best.What started as a nice thought piece on the Second Law and bringing order to a chaotic universe veers off into the nature of drastic change, even anarchist politics. Why introduce the notion of a volitional, not an accidental universe-caused conflagration at the end?
Matter doesn’t spontaneously arrange itself into shelter or clothing, and living things don’t jump onto our plates to become our food. What needs to be explained is not poverty but wealth.I like to think about creating wealth---most of the time my own---rather than redistributing others' to help the poor. On that I heartily agree.
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CNN: "New Delhi is the most polluted city on Earth right now" |
Here the problem centers on the switch to diesel vehicles. Those cars–which drive along increasingly crowded streets–are actually better for the climate than gasoline-powered cars, but they emit more of the pollutants that directly harm human health.Fighting climate change can harm human health. One wonders why this connection has not been publicized.
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The cards are ready early--for once |
Dozens of record lows have been set in the Midwest and Plains since this weekend as the second of two arctic blasts in the past week invaded those regions.In Northern California the temperature dipped into the 40's overnight. That's shirtsleeve weather back East, but cold enough to chill the house to 57 degrees F. this morning.
Actual air temperatures fell into the 20s and 30s below zero, while wind chills plunged into the minus 30s, 40s and even a few 50s at times during the weekend.
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2015: 2701 Broadway (7 BR,16,000 sq. ft) sold for $31 million. |
Another buyer—who was later convicted of fraud on unrelated charges—said he was interested in a $5 million listing.....He gets there and says, “I want to check the acoustics of the piano…it’s very important—I won’t buy a house without the right acoustics.” He spent two hours playing the piano and ruined my plans.These are entertaining stories, but high-end real estate brokers like Ms. Hatvany know enough to qualify buyers by getting evidence of financial resources. Once that it is in hand, the prospective buyer can tour away, interested or not, eccentric or not.
The worst case, about 10 years ago, was a woman who spent just 20 minutes in a 5,400-square-foot, $7.2 million property with water views. She said she loved it but needed to make an offer to the seller directly...the seller was just blown away—a full-price offer in the first week of listing....But then days went on and the funds never came through. She said her money was overseas and it was tied up getting it back to the U.S. Every week it was supposed to come from a different bank. This went on for about 10 weeks....Ultimately, [the seller] put the home back on the market and it finally sold for $6.4 million a few months later.
The name GOO.N comes from ぐんぐん (gun-gun). This Japanese phrase refers to a baby’s steady growth. The GOO.N brand name reflects our desire for all babies to keep growing.One reviewer enthused:
The Silky Soft Touch Sheet....undergoes a treatment specially designed to ensure smoothness, reduce bulkiness and eliminate the fibers that could possibly irritate your baby’s sensitive skin and result in diaper rash.The most interesting feature, IMHO, is "the Wetness Indicator located on the front of the diaper that helps parents to know when to change their baby’s diaper."
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During his Surrealist period Pablo Picasso painted Crucifixion, 1930. (from pablopicasso.org) |
Surrealism style uses visual imagery from the subconscious mind to create art without the intention of logical comprehensibility. ---- (surrealism.org)Having been born in Spain and baptized in the Catholic Church, Pablo Picasso was steeped in Christian theology and culture. Though he became an avowed communist and atheist, religious themes permeate his work. Crucifixion crams many of the figures from one of Christianity's most important days into one 20"x 26" oil-on-wood.
Picasso had declared himself an atheist, but his widow, Jacqueline, once said Picasso “was more Catholic than the Pope.” This argues that, far from being eccentric or anomalous, Picasso’s “Crucifixion” belongs within the Christian tradition.
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(Money image) |
When the "pain" of paying with paper money is removed, spending goes up. But that's not a new revelation. Gambling houses knew this decades (centuries?) ago when they extend credit---just initial a marker (IOU) and $500 in chips appear in about 30 seconds (your humble blogger speaks from personal experience).People spend more when they use credit cards and other non-cash forms of payment: the most widely cited fact, from a study conducted by Dun & Bradstreet, is that credit cards make people spend 12-18% more, on average, than they would using cash.Mr. Standage says that it's too easy to wave his smartphone in front of the Starbucks scanner: "I now buy a coffee every day, rather than once or twice a week." More lattes = more pounds.
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I'm so old that I used to do payroll by hand (Intuit image). |
I played a significant role, no question about it, in introducing withholding. I think it's a great mistake for peacetime, but in 1941–43, all of us were concentrating on the war.Every self-employed individual and/or those with significant investment income already feel the pain of paying quarterly estimated taxes. Eliminating payroll withholding would sensitize a much larger population to the size of government without changing tax rates or tax brackets. Already a few voices have called for such elimination:
I have no apologies for it, but I really wish we hadn't found it necessary and I wish there were some way of abolishing withholding now.
To build the necessary political support for otherwise unpopular spending cuts, [Speaker Paul] Ryan should quickly move to end federal income tax withholding. If American households would stop viewing their tax refund checks as happy windfalls from politicians and instead better understood how much big government is costing them every year, one would expect to see louder demands to bring runaway spending under control and to downsize the scope of federal programs and operations. The GOP honeymoon will be over in a few months. Ending federal withholding will help build support for spending cuts over the next few years and perhaps beyond.Paying cash will cut the fat, but some ideas are too big and too bold.
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By Friday the fridge often overflows with leftovers. |
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Jill (right) and friends. |
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North Shore airfield for small aircraft and chutists (1/2016) |
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The Wall of Names at the Arizona Memorial. |
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She seemed nice, but I wasn't handing her a check worth $thousands. |
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Where we pay for civilization. |
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Don't tell my barista |
Western democratic and international institutions look increasingly fragile. A recent survey of 25 countries by Ipsos MORI, a pollster, reveals the widespread discontent on which populists have preyed. In Britain and America 60% and 63% of respondents said their country was on the wrong track. In perpetually disgruntled France, that figure is a whopping 89%.Note the wording: "populists have preyed." Populism, according to the Economist, is surging because the hoi polloi don't realize that they have it pretty good:
In France, the proportion of people who worry about unemployment is five times the actual rate of the unemployed. In Britain, anxiety over immigration is more than three times higher than the percentage of the population who are immigrants. Telling voters that things they worry about are bad, but not as bad as they think, is unlikely to win over a sceptical public.Comments:
M. began serving on the Board of Directors in 2015 and has, on two occasions been formally censured for inappropriate actions taken by her during her tenure as director.There were several other charges related to misrepresentations to and interference with vendors.
The Board is informed that M. presented a fake letter to the Board, claiming it was written by a tenant asserting a monetary claim against the Association....The tenant subsequently confirmed she had not written or otherwise authorized the letter M. presented.
The Board is informed that M. created a fake email, claiming it was from one of the directors, and sent the fake email to other directors causing distrust and interference with the efficient operation of the Board and Association....
The Board is informed M. entered erroneous email addresses to make it appear communications were sent to all directors, when in fact directors were being excluded, causing distrust and interference with the efficient operation of the Board and the Association.
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Growing grapes in Somerset (SW England) |
Warmer temperatures in the U.K. due to man-made climate change could make the country a leading wine producer by the end of the century, according to new research.In 80 years Britons won't be traveling to Provence for sunshine and chardonnay but somewhere closer to home. Maybe the French will be summering in Britain!(?)
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Duct tape had reached its limit. |
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Stil strong |
If you had $71,560 or more, you would be in the top tenth. If you were lucky enough to own over $744,400 you could count yourself a member of the global 1% that voters everywhere are rebelling against.
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NASDAQ graphic from 2015 |
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For many functions the Watch needs an iPhone nearby |
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(Image from personalfintech) |
Ice bucket from 2012 |
The immediate questions before all of us are how much, if anything, should I put down on my pledge card for next year, how many hours should I volunteer for, and in what ministries? If you are like me eventually you get a brain cramp and sign up for pretty much what you signed up for last year.
But I do find it useful once in a while to lift my head out from under my credit card statements, my pay stubs, tax returns and spreadsheets and try to look at the big picture.
The wealthiest person in the world, as most of you know, is Bill Gates, whose personal fortune is currently estimated to be $80 billion.
But historians say that the wealthiest person who ever lived was John D. Rockefeller, who at one time controlled 90% of the oil industry. Money Magazine took John D. Rockefeller’s fortune in relation to a much smaller American economy and also adjusted it for inflation. Money Magazine estimated that his wealth would be like having $250 billion today.
100 years ago John D. Rockefeller was 77 years old---by the way he would live another 20 years---but would you trade places with him? He had an army of servants, but here’s a little of what we have and he didn’t:
John D Rockefeller (Daily Mail / Getty)
1) We can be in Paris in 11 hours. It would take him a couple of weeks to get to Europe from California by rail and then by ship.
2) If any of us had a medical emergency, paramedics would be here in 10 minutes or less. We would be treated by methods that would be infinitely better than were available in 1916 by the best doctors in the world.
3) We have the world’s knowledge at our fingertips. No matter how many people John D. Rockefeller had working for him, it would take them hours to research a topic in the Library of Congress and we can do it in minutes. For that matter, we have movies--with sound--and huge music libraries at our fingertips, too.
4) I am sure each of us can think of many more examples of progress---about how we can carry on a live conversation with a relative halfway around the world and see their faces, about how we can forecast to the hour when rain is about to start, about how we no longer need to keep a stack of maps in our glove compartment to know where we’re going.
When you look at it that way, hundreds of millions of us ordinary folk are each richer than Rockefeller.
How much of our wealth is represented by what’s in our bank account, and how much wealth do we have merely because we are alive in this time and this place?
And while we are thinking about wealth and how much to give, how much does the church give back to your own lives and that of your family? Are you wealthier because this church is alive in this time and this place?
You may not have a lot of room in your budget, but look at all the unfilled spaces on the ministries and the sign-up sheets. Offering your time and talent increases the wealth of our church just as surely as a monetary offering—possibly even more so.
We are each of us richer than Rockefeller, and our church adds to that richness in ways seen and unseen. Please help keep it that way.
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2015 Federal (1040X) and California (540X) returns |
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(Geology.com graphic) |
As many as 3.5 million homes could be damaged in an 8.3-magnitude quake along a roughly 500-mile portion of the fault—compared with 1.6 million homes damaged if only the northern part of the fault were to break, or 2.3 million if the southern piece ruptured.I admit to being math-challenged in that bimillennial and centennial events cause me about the same amount of concern. The young 'uns are worried about getting their toes wet from seas rising, while I fear my house coming down around my ears. In either case the solution is the same. Head for the hills.
The damage to homes alone could total $289 billion, compared with a previous range of $137 billion on the southern portion of the fault and $161 billion in the north, according to the CoreLogic analysis.
Researchers say a statewide quake above 8.0 would likely hit the Golden State once at least every 2,500 years. “We are talking about very rare earthquakes here,” said Maiclaire Bolton, a seismologist and senior product manager for CoreLogic.
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(Time photo) |
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Long before he was huge (Boston Globe) |
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2008: inspiring words and the adulation of millions (Brittanica). |
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2016: walking amidst the ruins. (WSJ photo) |
Bacon. In a taste test of bacon brands, Consumer Reports bestowed an “excellent” rating on just one product: Kirkland Signature Bacon ($10.99 for four 1-pound packages).Clearly we need to expand our sights beyond the healthy-food aisle.
Liquor. You’ll get a lot of bang for your buck with the Kirkland Signature Tequila Añejo ($19.99 for 1 liter) and the Egg Nog Liqueur ($9.99 for 1.75 liters),
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At $2.75 a pound, how could I say no? |